OMGoodness.... seems like we all have had this problem at least once.
Where I work this happens all of the time.
One of the ladies that i work with is diabetic, so she was keeping a cooler bag in the fridge with some snacks, and her emergency meds. Sure enough.. the whole bag went missing. She thought she had one-upped the jerk who did it to her, so she put a locker lock on her bag.. nope, didnt work, it happened again!!
I have been a vitim of this twice... Once, my fiance suprised me with lunch. He had bought me a sub. I couldnt finish it all, so I packed it back up, put in my luch bag, and popped it in the fridge. After my shift, I went to get my bag.. and it was empty! Somebody took my 3/4 eaten sub! Its not like it was even a full 1/2 of a sub either.. I had eaten part of it!!!
Another time, I had veggies, and fruit, cheese and crackers... poof.. they all went missing.
Ahhhh, but the good part! ... I have a dog at home... tee hee... this is so funny!! Every so often I buy him these dog treats that come in a tube like polish sausage..... they are called Rollover. I was so ticked off, I cut up a bunch of the dog treats, along with some cheese and crackers that my and a couple of his buddies had some fun with (think nose juice...ewe...and toe jam) and packed them oh-so-pretty in a nice display and took them for lunch the next day!
Goodness... if you only could have seen the smile on my face that night when I went to the lunch room, and saw the container that I brought near EMPTY (only a single cracker left) sitting on the table!!!!!!!!!!