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'Smilies' are small graphical images that can be used to convey an emotion or feeling. If you have used email or internet chat, you are likely familiar with the smilie concept. Certain standard strings are automatically converted into smilies. Try twisting your head on one side if you do not get smilies; using a bit of imagination should reveal a face of some description.

Here's the list of currently accepted smilies:

What to Type Meaning Graphic That Will Appear
:bow: not Worthy!  not Worthy!
:doh: ! Doh! Doh! ! Doh! Doh!
:can: ada ada
o:-) Angel Angel
:barf: Barf! Barf!
:D BIG Smile BIG Smile
:bust: Bust a Gut! Bust a Gut!
??? confused confused
:cool: Cool! Cool!
:joy: Dance of Joy Dance of Joy
:eek: eek! eek!
:o embarrassment embarrassment
:err: Err Err
:flaming: Flaming mad! Flaming mad!
:zzz: Getting sleepy... Getting sleepy...
:goog: Googly eyes! Googly eyes!
:bday: Happy B-Day! Happy B-Day!
:hee: Heehee Heehee
:freak: It's a Freak! It's a Freak!
:jiggy: Jiggy! Jiggy!
:juju: Juju! Juju!
LOL! Laugh Out Loud! Laugh Out Loud!
:lovey: Lovey Dovey Lovey Dovey
:mad: Mad Mad
:devil: Naughty Little Devil Naughty Little Devil
:noqc: Not valid in Quebec :( Not valid in Quebec :(
:drool: ol... ol...
:hippy: Peace dude... Peace dude...
:( Sad Sad
:rolleyes: Sarcastic Sarcastic
:) smile smile
:spam: Spam! Spam!
:p stick out tongue stick out tongue
:down: Thumbs down! Thumbs down!
:up: Thumbs up! Thumbs up!
:uhoh: Uh oh Uh oh
:cry: Waaaah! Waaaah!
:wave: Wave Wave
;) wink wink
:rudy: y!! y!!
:yay: Yay! Yay!
:welcome2: zWelcome Lights zWelcome Lights
:welcome3: ZWelcome3 ZWelcome3
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6:46 PM   

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