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Juju's Message Bowl! > Frequently Asked Questions > Dealing with the Gnarlies

Juju's Tips on Dealin' with the Gnarlies
(or How to Cope with OBNOXIOUS HUMANS on Internet Message Boards)

Sooner or later you'll read something that will
offend you, insult you, or enrage you.
Welcome to the Internet.

Message boards are anonymous and people will say much more than they usually would compared to face-to-face situations. The people who post are hidden far away from anyone's reach, no one knows their real names, no one knows what they look like, no one knows where they live. These reasons make it much more likely they'll act less courteously than usual -- and that's a FACT, get used to it.

These people are called TROLLS, or as Juju affectionately likes to call them, OBNOXIOUS HUMANS™.

So here are some tips (in really big type) that Juju whipped up to help you cope with those times when someone says something that makes your blood boil:

You've got better ways to waste your time. Think about it - you do. There is much more to life than responding to some nobody on a message board.

2) Do not try to convert OBNOXIOUS HUMAN™.
Don't bother trying to convince the OBNOXIOUS HUMANS™ that they're OBNOXIOUS HUMANS™ -- it's like telling a pig that it's acting like a pig: utterly futile.

3) Do not feed OBNOXIOUS HUMAN™.
Suppress your burning desire to respond. The more you react, the more you're giving the OBNOXIOUS HUMAN™ legitimacy and the more you are being manipulated by him/her/it. Think about it: the OBNOXIOUS HUMAN™ is making you act just the way they want you to act. Don't turn into an OBNOXIOUS HUMAN'S PUPPET™!

4) Grow Some Thick Skin (or Scales)
Unless you actually enjoy higher blood pressure, you'll have to learn not to be over-sensitive and take things too personally. This is just one more anonymous person being an OBNOXIOUS HUMAN™. Not the first, and nowhere near the last. You humans aren't perfect after all. And this is not some melodramatic, chivalrous movie -- you don't need to publicly defend the honour of your family's name

5) Add OBNOXIOUS HUMAN™ to your IGNORE list.
If you really can't handle it anymore, use the IGNORE feature. You can hide ALL posts and Private Messages (PMs) from a specific OBNOXIOUS HUMAN™ with 2 clicks 1 click!

  • simply click on click this button under a person's name to ignore that OBNOXIOUS HUMAN
It's that easy -- no more messages from that particular OBNOXIOUS HUMAN™

6) Report the OBNOXIOUS HUMAN™
If a post breaks the rules and/or is particularly offensive, click on the little blue loudspeaker thingy [ click this to report a problem post to Juju ] to report the post to Juju and he'll have a slave take care of it.


One of our Bowl members, Brash, offers his take on the "Gnarlies":
Immature personalities can emerge regardless of the topic. Sometimes we overreact when we shouldn't, and that's why its important to try and choose our words carefully when posting.

There is never a reason to attack someone else, just because you disagree doesn't make the other person's view less valid.

Text messages are easily misinterpreted, don't read too much between the lines. The criticism we see may have been unintentional.

What really matters to me is respect. I really enjoy the Bowl and I enjoy interacting with everyone here. I enjoy getting to know people, and hearing different points of view. I don't think we should shy away from controversial topics because of the possibility of disagreement, the Bowl would be a poorer place.

I don't think there is anything wrong with discussion and/or debate, but everyone has to keep a level head.

Another member Dave, offered his advice to a particularly flustered participant:
It's pretty obvious by now that no matter what you say, you will never change OBNOXIOUS HUMAN's opinion on this matter. As I tried to say in my earlier post, OBNOXIOUS HUMAN does not and will not see this issue the way you do. Sure, posting what you think about it might relieve some of your frustrations and make you feel better in the short-term, but it's not gonna do any good in the long run. It just gives OBNOXIOUS HUMAN another chance to reply with something that will get your feathers ruffled even more, and make you feel frustrated again.

And this process will go on and on, and things will get worse and worse (they always do), until the moderator has to step in... again.

If the opinions expressed disturb you...there is a very easy solution to that:
BE YOUR OWN CENSORSHIP BOARD... If you don't like what you see.....scroll down... if you don't like the opinion... scroll past it.... It's really rather simple.... --Woncoldchick

"The real art of conversation is not only to say the right thing at the right time, but also to leave unsaid the wrong thing at the tempting moment." --Unknown

Some excellent and entertaining reading on TROLLs and OBNOXIOUS HUMANS:
Internet Trolls (from AOL)
Flame Warriors by Mike Reed
Flame Wars and Other Online Arguments
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5:17 PM   

Quit pokin' me!

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