Yes! To send an email to another member, you can either locate the member you want to contact on the member list, or click the
button on any post made by that member.
This will usually open a page that contains a form where you can enter your message. Note that for privacy reasons (i.e. to keep out those nasty spammers), the email address of the recipient is not revealed to you during this process.
Note that if you can not find an email button or link for a member, it means the member in question has specified that they do not wish to receive email from other members of the board.
Another useful email function is the ability to send a friend a link to a thread you think they may find interesting. Whenever you view a thread, you will find a link at the bottom of the page which will allow you to send a brief message to anyone you like.
Registered members may also be able to send messages to other members of this board using the private messaging system. For more information about private messaging, click here.